Judy your presence is so pure and filled with unconditional love that my whole being heals.
The moment I got up from the table from Polarity I knew this peace would be lasting, and it has been.
The shift following Judy’s session has been incredibly positive and remarkable. My intuition really opened up and meaningful things are coming my way all the time.
I spent years healing certain wounds and Judy did it in one RYSE session.
Wise, intuitive, awake, affirming.
My childhood trauma I thought would be with me forever. Judy perceived what my inner child needed and worked to give her strength and healing. This healing was a permanent solution for me.
Sessions with Judy are thoughtful, caring and deeply relaxing. When I leave the session I feel aligned, balanced and centered. Judy has quiet beauty and masterful skill and fills each moment, blending modalities to assist in a peaceful atmosphere to nest into. Creating a sanctuary from the world, refreshing and soothing, Judy is grounded, highly textured, radical in her candor. I highly recommend her to all my friends. She is a rare jewel and gift to the world.
— Rosemary S.
The Polarity/RYSE sessions have made an amazing difference in my life so far and I am looking forward to completing the series. I have noticed such a huge difference within myself and I’m feeling much better, stronger and lighter. I am truly elevating my awareness spiritually, emotionally and physically. Thank you so much for your compassion and nurturing healing sessions!
— Angela M.
Judy’s sessions have been an amazing experience for me. My mind is expanding daily. My ability to stay in the present has increased. When I meditate I easily slip into the “gap.” I can’t wait to see what’s next! I feel so grounded. My listening skills are so refined. I feel so blessed. I am amazed–it all just clicked in. Thank you, Judy!
— Barbara D.
I came to Judy for a combo session and got up off the table after to what only be described as bliss and a connection with Spirit as I’ve never had before. I was able to look myself in the mirror afterward and say “I love you.” to myself. It was a truly life changing experience.
— Pam O.
Judy is bathed in Divine Light which she connects to with the full intention of assisting each of us in our personal journey. This Divine Light is still working and assisting me in easily locating that place of peace, light, and calmness inside myself. My personal experience is that she helps me to align my energy quickly and have more patience in dealing with my children. I recommend that everyone take advantage of her unique experience in healing!
— Helene O.
Shifts have occurred for me, especially in the area of my personal and spiritual mission. Many wonderful situations are unfolding, bringing me to a new expansion for my teaching and coaching others. My dream came true! Also I feel a deep letting go of what no longer serves my purpose. It seems that all that is true to my values and my honor code is more firmly rooted. Staying present and living mindfully now aid me toward a deeper sense of purpose and trust.
— Rosemary